Even If The Weather Doesn’t Call For It

I love a good stormy day. One that interrupts the daily, forcing you to be still and stare out the window and appreciate Mother Nature. It’s a call to do absolutely nothing, a nice reminder of just how small and insignificant you are in the grand scheme of things.

We live in a world of endless distractions and stimuli, making it easy to feel guilty about doing nothing. The fear of missing out a powerful emotion. Social media just a click away to reveal all the thing you could be doing with your life at that very moment.

But truth is, we all need a rainy day once in a while even if the weather doesn’t call for it. A day to shake us from our daily trances. To have no plans and no other place to be. To feel our bodies at work. To reconnect with the spiritual—that inner, unspoken magic—that makes living so very possible.


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