Something to Fill


Perception and how we view the world is everything. A roomful of strangers can be competition or they can be a community. An ex can be just an ex or a former friend. Our mistakes can be failures or lessons. A relationship can be serious or meaningful. Hours invested can be seen as work or growth. And loving something and not hating it aren’t quite the same.

A lot of times when I think back to my last relationship, I’m filled with sadness and pain for what was lost and could never be. Then the cup is empty. Other times, I look back to our first and last date, two times when we got everything right, where neither the past nor the future got in the way. We were completely present, surrendering to the beautiful moment and all its glorious magic. In that recollection, the cup is always full.

Again, I am reminded that perception is everything. A broken heart is something to fix, while an open heart is something to fill.


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